Saturday, November 3, 2012



A Sacred Place for you to find the Spells for your needful things...

Welcome everyone to my Spells page. For those who are not yet experienced in the art of casting spells, a word of warning... These pages contain Black, White, and Gray magic.  the Black magic is put here for educational purposes. Those who wish to practice Black Magic must understand the laws of the universe... What goes around comes around! If you send evil out, it will eventually come knocking back at your door.
Yes there is Gray Magic! Gray magic is White Magic turned Black . Let's say you do a spell to obtain money, but then a week later your mother dies and leaves you some money. What started out to be white magic was actually gray magic which then turned to black magic. You see gray magic is magic that can turn white or black. That is why you should always do a divination with the Tarot cards or what ever method you prefer to find out the outcome of your workings before you do them! This way you will be sure to harm none in your spell castings. Even if you meant no harm, yet someone was harmed, you will have to except the Karmic responsibility! Once again... What goes around comes around!
These Spells were submitted by many people all over the world.  You may see many Spells with the same name but they are different.
Choose your Poison carefully!
Enemy move away Spell Truth Spells Agree Spell
Magickal Potions
Getting Over Someone Spell Soften the Heart Spell
Riches Healing Sickness spell Wart Spell
Money Health Conjuring Raw Energy
Love and Chaos Healing Physical pain Reversal spell
To obtain Love Stop Bleeding The Weed Curse
Vanity and Beauty Lost and Found Spell Candy Charm
To bring love back Witches Hand Shake Liberation Spell
Sex and Lust Spells Psychic Vampires Spell
Stop loving someone Lemon Curse Luck Spell
Youth Preserved Rain Spells To break the Powers of a Spell
Elevated Pride Change your eye color Protection
Break up a Marriage Stopping Gossip Attitude Spell
Enlightenment Spell / Ritual Bring Spirits Speed Up Time
Kissing Spell Get someone to call you Slow Down Time
Stop the Rain Mind of a frog Summoning a Cemetery Spirit
Get what you want Do they like you? Levitation Spell
Binding for the Annoying Make someone forget a Secret Prosperity spells
Wish Spell Soul Mate Dream Spell To Bless a Magical Pen
Third Eye Spells

Dream of me Spell

Astral Projection

Astral Projection, out of body experience, lucid dreaming
Don't you want to know what the other side will be like?

We all leave our physical bodies when we go to sleep at night. You may have thought you were dreaming when actually you out of body traveling 'round the astral planes. For instance if you were dreaming in full blown color and maybe flying or falling. In these scenarios you would be actually be astral projecting. You can learn to consciously leave the body by using my porthole device or you can use my dream control method, or maybe this method here. Just so you know... there are many different methods to induce an out of body experience. There is no best method. The best method is whatever works best for you. Here is one simple method that is easy to learn...
1.Simply lay down with the lights off. Make sure you are completely relaxed. Lie there and be quite and still, calm and clear your mind.

2.Imagine your astral body which may look like gray matter shaped in the form of your body. Imagine it lifting  and floating out of your body, floating up to the ceiling in your room.

3.Turn and look down and try to see you body lying there. If you are successful you may want to stay in the room and float around a bit, staying close to the body. Or you can choose to walk through walls and travel to where ever you wish to go. You can fly there or you can will yourself there instantly.

Here are some pointers...
***Watch what you think. Everything you think can manifest on the astral planes. So you don't want to be thinking about anything evil or you will attract it!
***Anytime you think you are scared and or lost, just think of your body and you will be back in it in a flash.
***Ever notice that when you are falling in a dream and you hit the bottom you always wake up quickly! That is your astral body snapping back into place.
***The use of drugs can lower your vibrations meaning you will not be able to travel to higher astral planes where the vibrations are higher.
***The reason you will want to travel higher on the astral planes is because you may have to escape an attack by a lower vibrating entity. They can not travel to the higher planes.

Astral Accelerator Portal Device

The Astral Accelerator is for producing conscious OBE's for people who are experienced at projecting and for those who are still learning. This will help you to center your mental focus by concentrating on the center ring. This is the door where you will go through. When staring at this device try to see past the door and you will feel the magnetic pull of the out rings pulling you in. Even if you don't consciously project you will at least feel the magnetic pull and you can try to simulate that when you lay down in bed and try the last method I discussed. Understand that this device has no actual power. It is simply a training tool for the mind.


The Dream Control Method...
Learn to realize you are having an out of body experience through dream control!
First you will want to study my dream control methods on my Dream Recall page! Then when you have become successful with that part of dream control , you will be ready for this part...
You need to advance your dream techniques to where you realize that you are dreaming so that you can control the dream. Once you realize that you are dreaming you will find that you can control where you want to go and what you want to do. Now I am talking about when you have a dream that is in full blown color. Those type of dreams usually mean that your are actually out of body. You see when people go to sleep at night their astral bodies leave and float around the astral planes in a dreamy state or gathering energy. Sometimes you may be learning things from other higher beings and eventually it is released in your conscious state later on when these beings think the time is right. You just have to become conscious of all this. Remember dreams that are in black and white are usually just plain dreams. They can be controlled too but you are going to get the best results with the ones in full color.
Here are your key pointers...
***Work with dreams that are in full blown color.
***You must learn to become conscious during the dream.
***Try to take control of the dream and go where you wish.
***When you have achieved control you will know you have had an OBE!
***Remember to keep a diary of every experience.


The Mysterious Pentagram...

The Pentagram means different things to different people. Some may argue as to what it represents, but I will tell you what it means to me. The Pentagram right side up represents the Divine God ruling over the world of matter. The 5 points represent the 5 places that Christ was wounded. Traditionally they say that Demons are afraid of it. This is TV and movie crap. Demons would only laugh at you if you thought you could scare them off with a right side pentagram.
 The pentagram also represents the Microcosmic man with his arms stretched out.

Let us not forget that it also represents the elements Spirit, Water, Air, Earth, and Fire as shown below.
This is used by most people in Witchcraft.

Now there is also the upside-down Pentagram. It represents Satan or the world of matter ruling over God. Deciding when the inverted star actually came to be known as a symbol of evil can be confusing. There is no general consensus among historians and even Wiccans and witches are not in full agreement. Some say this happened around the time of the Inquisition, while others say it could have been as late as the 19th century. Normally it is only worn by Satanists or devil worshipers, but the Mormans have used this symbol inverted for quite some time and Mormon apologists have quickly come to their church's defense by insisting that pentagrams have historically been a positive symbol and only recently have become a symbol of evil, therefore concluding that any comparison to the Nauvoo pentagrams is nothing more than sensationalism. The Freemasons also use this symbol inverted in their ranks. Now I know they they do worship the "Light Bearer" (Lucifer) but they worship him for the light. So you see someone can take any symbol and change the meaning of it to suit their own needs and this is fine.

Here we have an example of both the right side up and the reversed Pentagram...
   Right side up (God ruling)                        Upside-down (material world ruling)
Many mainstream religion believers think that they are both evil and represent the Devil. But that is because they are so... ignorant and blind to the fact that there is a difference. It shows their lack of study on the true facts of history. I wear the right side up Pentagram and I personally have had many people come up to me and ask me if I am a Devil worshiper. But I explain the reality to them. I will tell you that sometimes it is best not to wear one at all in public simply to save persecution from the ignorant. It is best to wear it during your own magical practices in private. This will be your own choice.

Now it is time to teach you a very important and powerful Ritual called the
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram...
This ritual will surround and protect you with the power of the Almighty aspects of God and his Archangels. This ritual should be done every day in the morning and at the end of the day. Try not to do it right before bed , because it will energize you to where you won't be able to go to sleep. This ritual is exactly what it says... it banishes all spirits or influences good or bad that may be around you. It gives you an open channel to God with no interference!  When you do this you are in the presence of God! So treat it with respect. After a period of time you will notice a difference in your life. You will have that Glow! It strengthens your Aura so that you are like a shinning sun. This ritual is also one of the first ones you would do after conjuring a spirit or using the Ouija board.

Witchcraft vs. High Magic

Let me start by saying that I practice both so don't get your panties in a bundle and throw stones at me!

First let me explain that Witchcraft is called "Low Magic" and Ceremonial or High Magic is exactly what it says.... "High Magic". Now if you just go by the name.... then you would guess that High Magic is More Powerful. Well guess what?...... this is true. Many Pagans will differ but the magic of witchcraft is no match for that of High Magic.
If you are a Pagan and do not believe in the Christian / Jewish God then Witchcraft is perfect for you.
Witchcraft is mainly simple spells and rituals including Voodoo (Voodoo is not always that simple)... where as High Magic is much more complicated and not for the uneducated person and deals with very complex rituals that take years of study and practice to have success. Plus there are many types of High Magic all very similar but different and all extremely powerful if done correctly.
In High Magic you are also dealing with the Christian / Jewish God and his hierarchy. Hummm.... some of you don't believe in God?..... well then this is not for you. You don't have to believe in the Bible to believe in this Hierarchy..... the Bible was written by man and not God and it has been changed so many times that it is nowhere near the original version that was in Greek and Hebrew.
The same goes for Witchcraft.... you don't have to believe in the Wiccan way to practice it. And you don't need to even believe in their Gods and Goddesses. You only need to know how spells work and have faith in your Magic along with being dedicated to it and not a Dabbler!
So which one should you choose.... well if you are like me.... you study everything and gain even more knowledge and power! But it is all your own preference and free will to choose what you will and make your own destiny!
P.S - Don't think that you can just pick up a spell book and expect to have success without practice and study. Learn to swim before you jump in the water!

Why do spells work and sometimes and sometimes not?

Why Spells work sometimes and sometimes not...
Oh yes... I get so many letters asking why didn't this spell work for me? Or is this stuff real? ( I hate that one the worst! ) Or how long is it going to take for it to work? Here I will try to answer those questions to clear the air so that maybe you will read this and I won't have to answer more e-mails by the hundreds.
Why do spells work and sometimes they don't work? There are many things that contribute to a spell or ritual work properly and not one thing alone. All of the following combined together is what will make a Spell, Hex or Curse work and work good.
  • The proper Moon phase
  • The proper Planetary Hour and Day
  • The proper materials and supplies
  • The mental condition of the Practitioner
  • The will of the Universe
  • The experience of the practitioner
  • The Magical Energy built up by the Practitioner
  • Your belief in the magic you are working
  • The proper Spell

1. The Moon phase... The proper Moon phase is one of the keys to success in Spell casting. There are many Spells that I do on the night of the Full Moon for maximum effect and potency just as farmers may plant there seedlings during the Full Moon. The Moon effects everything and can effect our moods and actions. Ever notice that people seem to be more wound up and crazy during the Full Moon? I see it all the time.
There are four phases of the Moon...  New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon and the Waning Moon. Each of these phases has a 7 day period for doing your Magical workings. If you add these phases up, you come up with the 28 day lunar month. The time period for each phase is... 3 days before to 3 days after. This gives you plenty of time to plan and do you Spell casting. Not everyone can plan on doing Magic on one certain day, so this opens the window of opportunity for those of you who have a busy schedule.
Here is what the different phases are normally used for in Magic. New Moon - This phase is very similar to the Waning Moon and used to rid ones self of things.
Waxing Moon - This phase is for doing Spells that might increase your gain such as money, power or other material things.
Full Moon - This the phase where I do my most important spells. For my beliefs are that my Magic is much more powerful during this phase. Most people like my friends only consider the Full Moon the actual day that it is the fullest and marked on the calendar. They do not know that the Moon has the same influence for a seven day period. Once again I personally prefer to work on the night of the Full Moon, at its fullest.
Waning Moon - This phase is normally for Spells that do away with things or make things go away. Such as making an enemy go away or a bad spirit or slander along with many other things.

2. The proper materials and supplies... These are so very important, for one must have all the proper things needed for a spell. You may possibly need herbs, colored candles, Voodoo Dolls, oils and of coarse the proper spell. The herbs, colored candles and oils are specific ones that are associated with that type of spell. In other words they have a vibration that is related to the what you are trying to accomplish. For instance if you are doing a love spell you would not want to use green candles... you would want to use red candles and if you were doing a money spell you would not want to use red candles... you would use green. For Candles you can go to my Candle Magic page to see what color corresponds to what need. For oils and herbs there are many other sites out there and books that will tell you what what corresponds to what. For Voodoo Dolls you can make you own out of wax or cloth material.  It doesn't have to look like the victim because you are going to visualize it as being the victim. There may be a need for a Dagger to trace magical symbols in the air. Daggers can be purchased online quite easily. If you cannot find the supplies you need in your town the I suggest you look online at Avatar Search.

3. The mental condition of the Practitioner... This is also very important. You must be in the right state of mind. If you are trying to do a love spell, you must have the emotion of love for that person to project out into the universe in order for it to manifest. In other words you cannot be angry or depressed when doing the love spell. The same goes for Black Magic Hexes and so forth... you must be worked up into rage or a very hate filled mood to project hate at the Victim. You cannot expect a Hex to work on someone if you are in a Jolly mood when performing the spell. Your mind must be in sync with the type of Spell you are doing. Plus you must believe in your work and not have doubts. How can you expect a spell to work if you don't believe in them but you want to try them just to see if they do work. You will get nothing from that.

4. The will of the Universe... Many of you ask ... well how long will it take to work? That is up to the Universe as to when it will manifest. It could be a couple days or it could take weeks or a couple months. There have been many times I have done spells an had no quick results and then POOF!  Two months later it happens! I had almost forgot about it. So be patient and have faith in your workings. Positive thinking = positive outcome.

5. The experience of the Practitioner... The person casting the spells should have some experience or at least some good study and practice. Many of you out there, especially the younger ones expect that you can do a spell for the first time with no knowledge of how they work or why and have studied the Occult none whatsoever. I strongly advise you to study all aspects of the Occult and practice, practice, practice. Dabblers will get no where except hurt. Remember the more you practice Magic and do certain Rituals the more you will build up your powers and therefore be more potent in your spells.

6. The Magical Energy built up by the Practitioner... This is one way to add potency to your Spells and Hexes. I am a Sorcerer and not a Witch so I will tell you what I do. I use the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram and the Middle Pillar Ritual. They serve to protect me and they build up my Aura and my Psychic and Magical powers. This covers all my grounds when doing Spells and makes me glow with power! I know there are many different Rituals out there according to what you believe in so find the ones that suite your beliefs and get to work on them everyday of your life and you will see a difference in the quality of your life and the potency of your Magical doings.

7. Your belief in the magic you are working... You must believe in your magical workings. If you don't, how can you expect them to work. You must have faith, be patient and you must believe! So many of you want to try some spells first to see if they work and then you'll decide to believe. That's not the way to do it! If you do not believe in the Occult and Magic... then I suggest you stay away from it. Word to the wise... Magic is not a game or something to just Dabble in or play with. Magic is a way of life.

8. The proper Spell... Let's face it... you must have a good spell. Some of the spells out there are pure crap and some are really good. Some spells may work better for you than others, so experiment and keep a journal of your workings so that you will know which ones work best for you and which ones don't. Also just because a spell doesn't work for you doesn't mean that it is no good... you may have not been the right state of mind or maybe you didn't have the proper materials. All the above things on this page come into play. So like I said... keep a journal and find the Spells that work for you!

Dream Recall

The Science of Total Recall of your Dreams...
Believe it or not you can learn to recall most all your Dreams. With these simple techniques you can start remembering dreams within the first or second night of practice. It's sort of like self hypnosis in a way. You are simply making suggestions to your mind before you are completely asleep. This state of mind is called the borderline sleep level. It is when your brain is most likely to absorb the suggestions.
They say that certain foods can cause bad dreams. Well I don't know if that's true but, I do know from personal experience that when I eat cheese or drink milk,  I seem to have more intense dreams. Not necessarily bad dreams. Then again, sometimes when you eat food before bedtime that gives you indigestion, it might seem that it is causing you to have dreams. This is do to the fact that the indigestion is keeping you slightly awake. You know that borderline sleep level I mentioned earlier, so you are slightly aware of these dreams. There is one other thing to consider. If you are having intense dreams and they are in color then more than likely you are having a OBE. Out-body-experience or otherwise known as Astral Projection. We are not going to get into that for right now. We will on another page. All right let's get going! There are 4 easy steps to this. That's it!
1. Preparing for Bed : Try to get the body as relaxed as you can. If  you have to stretch or even do Yoga all the better. You can even meditate to clear your mind, so that that you are more prepared for the next step. You don't have to eat or refrain from eating before bedtime. You may do as you like. Try experimenting with eating different foods before bedtime and see if you get any different results in the end. Make sure you have a pen and pad handy to write with next to the bed.
2. Programing : This is the most important part. When you get to that borderline sleep level (which is right before you are completely asleep) you must tell yourself over and over again that you will remember all your dreams and you will wake up after each dream and write down your experience. If you don't like having to repeat all that then try tape recording yourself saying these things. Make sure that you tape at least 10 - 15 min. worth. That should be sufficient.
3. Taking Notes : This is also very important. If you successfully wake up
after each dream, then you must write down everything you can remember in detail. Write down whether the dream was in color or black and white. This is why we will keep a pen and pad next the bed. Make sure not to put it in the bed with you. You don't want to end up stabbing yourself in your sleep. Then you must try to go right back to sleep. Keeping the pen and pad handy. Hopefully you will go right into another dream and repeat the process.
4. Reviewing the Night : Now it is time to review the night. You will be amazed at how many dreams you actually had that night! I usually find that I have 10 - 15 dreams a night and sometimes more. Everyone dreams and everyone dreams many times a night, they just don't know they do until they try something like this. Make special note of dreams that are in full-blown color, for you will want to reference them once you start studying Astral Projection.