Saturday, November 3, 2012

Occult Books

These are just a few of the books that I have read and use in my Magical workings.... There are far, far many more! They are books that I suggest you read. Everything from High Magic to Witchcraft. No need to look any further.... to order them, simply click on the book image and you will be taken to the order page.  "Puzuzu"

cover    Modern Magic: This book gives you 11 lessons in High Magic. This is simply the best book you can buy to learn from. It will take you from a beginner to the advanced Magician.
cover The Grimoire of Armadel: Here is great book for those who want to conjure up Angelic or Demonic beings. It contains their seals, names and what they can do for you. This is another must have for the Sorcerer!

cover This is the Notorious "Goetia". It contains the seals of the High ranking Demons along with the conjuration's. Another must have!

cover Enochian Magic for beginners: The Original System of Angel Magic. This is another best book to buy for the Magician.
cover The Magus: This is a complete system of Occult philosophy. This is a excellent book. It is two books bound as one. You will surely need this one for your collection.

cover Summoning Spirits : The Art of Magical Evocation. This will teach you how to summon spirits to do your bidding. Everything you need to know is in this book.
cover The Golden Dawn: This book offers a complete system of magick; enochian tablets, how to consecrate ritual tools, and scrying. It's all here. This book can help the Magician attain Godhead through Ritual.
cover Practical Candleburing Rituals: This is an excellent book for very easy to do Spells using candles. I have used this book to no end. It is very easy to understand and use. A must have for you Witchy ones.
cover Charms, Spells, and Formulas: This is a good little magic book which also contains Black Magic. Even teaches you how to make a Voodoo Doll of someone.
cover Advanced Candle Magick : More Spells and Rituals for Every Purpose. This is perfect for the experienced Spell Crafter who uses candles in Magic.
cover Practical Color Magick: This a very easy to use and understand book using color and magic together. It will walk you through step by step.
cover The Crone's Book of Charms & Spells: This is one of the books I have also used allot. It is very easy to use and has some good charms and spells!
cover The Book of Spells: Over 40 Secret Recipes to Get Your Own Way in

Love, Work, and Play. Presenting many spells from many different times and cultures, this book features 42 enticing, exotic, and sometimes slightly erotic magic spells to help readers prosper at work, at play, or in love. 
cover *****Dancing with Dragons: Learn how invoke and harness the power of these Astral Creatures. This is my favorite book with many invocations, rituals and a history of Dragons. I love this book!
cover Astral Dynamics: A new approach to out of body experiences. This book tells you how step by step and how to retain memory of your travels. Plus how to get around on the astral planes. This is an Excellent book!
cover Astral Travel: This is a very popular book with a no nonsense approach to astral traveling. A great book for beginners. Another must have!

cover The mighty powers invoked by this eldritch tome are really long-forgotten psychic abilities, able to affect the most basic needs and desires, including Love, Wealth, Peace of Mind, and Protection Against Enemies. But now comes a guide that enables anyone to pick up the book and use its ineluctable power "without fear or risk".
cover The Satanic Bible: This is the basis of contemporary Satanism and offers a refreshing and powerful philosophy.
cover The Satanic Witch: This is a great book mainly for women. It deals with allot of physiological warfare on people.

cover Alchemy Unveiled: An excellent introduction to Alchemy and the Science of. This is a must for the Sorcerer/Magician that wishes to be more educated in the Arts of the Occult.

cover The Ouija Board: The well known board that I myself use. This new one is awesome because it glows in the Dark! Find out what Spirits lay in waiting around your house~~~!  ~~~~~~***~~~~~~

cover The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses: Or Moses' Magical Spirit-Art Known As the Wonderful Arts of the Old Wise Hebrews. A must have for those who want to conjure up Demons to do their bidding! And a must for your collection.

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